美国密西西比大学法学院和国家遥感、航空与航天法中心主任Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz受聘为我校兼职教授

供稿、摄影:华体会体育空间法研究所  编辑:贾效明

    2008年12月20日,在2008中国空间法学年会暨“和谐世界中的空间法治”学术研讨会的开幕式上,美国密西西比大学法学院教授,国家遥感、航空与航天法中心主任Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz博士受聘为我校兼职教授,华体会体育党委副书记、工会主席侯光明教授主持了聘任仪式,并向Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz博士颁发了兼职教授聘书和佩戴了华体会体育校徽。华体会体育法学院教授、华体会体育空间法研究所所长李寿平博士介绍了Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz博士的简历和学术成就。

    聘任仪式结束后,Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz博士向大会作了“美国国家空间法律制度及其新发展”主题报告,系统地向中国空间法学者和华体会体育法学院师生讲述了美国空间法律体系和美国国家空间活动管理体制,并对美国空间法的最新发展、美国国家遥感法的最新发展向大会进行了报告。

    大会前,受华体会体育空间法研究所的邀请,Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz博士来我校进行为期15天的访问和交流。期间,Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz博士给我校本科学生和法学专业研究生进行了五场学术报告,并给我校国际空间法模拟法庭选手进行了专业指导。Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz博士表示,她十分荣幸接受华体会体育的邀请,也十分珍惜华体会体育兼职教授的荣誉。她将努力履行自己的义务,为华体会体育空间法学科发展及其国际化作出贡献。

    附:Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz博士简介

    Prof. Gabrynowicz is a Professor of space law and Director of the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air, and Space Law, Univ. of Mississippi Law Center, USA. She is the Editor-in-Chief, JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW.
    Prof. Gabrynowicz is a Director of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) and is an official observer for the International Astronautical Federation to the UNCOPUOS Legal Subcommittee and has made a number of presentations to that group on space law issues. She was a member of the IISL delegation to the Unidroit Committee of Governmental Experts for the Preparation of a Draft Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Space Assets and has presented to UN Institute for Disarmament Research. The UN Office of Outer Space Affairs invited Prof. Gabrynowicz to lecture on space law at all five of its space law capacity building workshops for government officials and policymakers. In 1999, the IISL invited Prof. Gabrynowicz to write and present the remote sensing law position paper at UNISPACE III. In 2001 she was awarded the Women in Aerospace Outstanding International Award.
    She briefed former U.S. Secretary of the Interior Gayle Norton as part of the Secretary’s preparation for the Earth Observation Summit. Prof. Gabrynowicz is the organizer and chair of the U.S. Federal Advisory Committee for the National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive. She also was a member of the U.S. Department of Commerce Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing. Prof. Gabrynowicz was invited to address the Opening Plenary Session of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing International (ISPRS) Conference on Remote Sensing Arabia: for the Betterment of People in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in May 2005.
    Prof. Gabrynowicz was a founding faculty member of the Space Studies Department at the University of North Dakota, where she also served as its Director of Graduate Studies. From 1992-94, Prof. Gabrynowicz was a member of The Congress of the United States Office of Technology Assessment Earth Observations Advisory Panel. From 1994-96, she was a member of the National Research Council Committee that produced Bits of Power: Issues in Global Access to Scientific Data. In 1994-95, Prof. Gabrynowicz was awarded a NASA/American Society of Engineering Education Summer Faculty Fellowship from Goddard Space Flight Center where she also served as the 1997 Dean of the NASA Space Academy. Prof. Gabrynowicz has been invited by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA, the U.S. National Research Council, the NASA Public Health Applications Program on Confidentiality and Geospatial Data, the Univ. of Cologne Institute of Air and Space Law to participate in a number of studies. Prof. Gabrynowicz was the managing attorney of a NYC law firm. She is a member of the American Bar Association Forum on Aviation and Space Law.