课程名称:Introduction to Electrical Machines and their Applications
主讲教师:Dr. S.M. Sharkh
时间:2012.07.18-2012.07.31(周六、周日除外) 每天上午8:30~11:00
A. Review of basics: Faraday’s law of induction, magnetic circuit, magnetic force.
B. Transformers: principle of operation, sizing calculations and a design example.
C. Application of Faraday's law and force calculations to linear vibrating generators and motors - Case study on Corriolis flow meter
D. Three-Phase Synchronous Generator: principle of operation, emf calculation.
E. DC machine, principle of operation, construction, Kt and Ke, relationship between torque and size, speed control.
F. Brushless DC motor:
a. Principle of operation, construction and driving circuit.
b. Basic design and performance calculation of a brushless dc motor. This will be a long example outlining the basic design procedure to calculate the dimensions of the magnetic circuit. The calculation of the circuit parameters (R and L), losses, torque and efficiency will be explained.
c. Case study: Rim Driven Thruster
G. Switched reluctance machines: introduction to construction, principle of operation, torque calculation and basic design principles.
H. Induction machines: Introduction to principle of operation and equivalent circuit, performance calculations, speed control.
I. Other machines.
S.M. Sharkh博士,新能源车辆及运用创新引智基地“电源系统理论及应用”方向学术骨干,英国南安普顿大学环境与工程学院高级讲师(Senior Lecture),博士生导师。1989年因杰出学术表现获得Mars 奖,1990年因杰出学术表现获得IEE 奖,2002年因在电动潜水艇推进器研究获得DTI SPARKS奖,2008年获Engineer Energy Innovation and Technology 奖。Sharkh博士近20年来一直从事基础科学理论研究工作,共发表近70余篇SCI期刊与EI国际学术会议科研论文,作为博士生导师,共指导将近20名博士研究生。从1996年至今,共获得共计100万英镑的基金从事基础科研,主要项目包括水下推进器,高速电机电磁损失,小逆变器发电机智能应用,电机及驱动器,水下电机等领域,研究领域包括电力电子技术、高效率水下电机、可再生能源发电(风能及太阳能)、电动汽车电驱动、电动汽车氧化还原流体电池等。