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作者:化学学院    来源:化学学院   华体会体育(中国):2013-11-15

报告人:Miquel Esteban,巴塞罗纳大学化学系教授,硕士项目EMQAL负责人
1、硕士项目宣讲:"The Erasmus Mundus Mater in quality in analytical laboratories (EMQAL)"
  This is the masterI will try to summarize together with some news about the Erasmus+ programme of EU. the Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL), a Master Programme coordinated by UB. EMQAL was selected by its excellence by the European Union inside the Erasmus Mundus (EM) Programme in 2007 and selected again in 2012. It is a 24-months master designed to prepare professionals for analytical laboratories, focusing on laboratory management and quality systems, along with complementing their technical knowledge. The consortium of EMQAL is constituted by 5 EU-partners (universities from Spain, Portugal, Poland and Norway) and 3-nonEU-partners (universities from Brazil, China [Central South University] and Russia), besides more than 20 Associate Partners (enterprises, official laboratories, research institutes, professional associations, etc) from 4 EU-states and 4 non-EU states (India, Chile, Brazil and Australia).
2、 学术报告:Chemometrics - Electroanalytical Chemistry: a tandem to be explored

