【图】外国语学院本科生积极参加第十二届“外研社杯” 全国英语辩论赛,并喜获佳绩


供稿:外国语学院  陈晨    摄影:外国语学院    编辑:张磊




1. China shouldn’t ban factory farming
2. China should cancel the torch relay to honor the victims of the earthquake
3. China should require an annual physical health examination for all its citizens
4. Children of migrant workers should have the same rights to education as local children.
5. Beijing should ban private automobiles from the city center.
6. The May Festival should not have been shortened.
7. The UN should have a standing military force.
8. ASEAN should abandon its Non-Intervention Policy.
9. All food exporting nations should contribute 5% of their net exports to an international food bank.